Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kesuksesan Kewirausahaan Era Digital di Kota Kediri

S, Bambang Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kesuksesan Kewirausahaan Era Digital di Kota Kediri.

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In the digital era, entrepreneurship plays a crucial role in the development of regional economies. Kota Kediri, Indonesia, has experienced significant growth in digital economy, supported by the advancements in information technology and the internet. Therefore, understanding the factors that influence the success of entrepreneurship in the digital era in Kota Kediri becomes essential.Since the 18th century, entrepreneurial activities have existed with the discovery of the steam engine by James Watt. During that time, the main purpose of entrepreneurship was not solely profit-seeking, but also focused on organizational growth and expansion. In the digital economy, there are twelve important characteristics that entrepreneurs need to understand, including knowledge, digitization, virtualization, molecularization, networking, disintermediation, convergence, innovation, presumption, immediacy, globalization, and discordance.Indonesia, including Kota Kediri, is considered a strategic region with rapid growth in the digital economy. In 2019, Indonesia's digital economy reached a significant value, surpassing neighboring countries in Southeast Asia. Business and commercial transactions in the digital economy utilize the internet as a medium for communication, collaboration, and product marketing. Online stores have become a popular form of digital business.Research indicates that the factors influencing the success of entrepreneurship in the digital era in Kota Kediri are crucial. These factors include knowledge, digitization, virtualization, networking, disintermediation, convergence, innovation, presumption, immediacy, globalization, capital, skills, location, entrepreneurial spirit, and entrepreneurship education. With a good understanding of these factors, it is hoped that entrepreneurs in Kota Kediri can enhance the success of their businesses in the continuously evolving digital era. Keywords: Digital, Economy

Item Type: Article
Subjects: T Technology > TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General)
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik > Prodi Teknik Sipil S1
Depositing User: NR Nurul Huda
Date Deposited: 06 Jul 2023 09:36
Last Modified: 13 Jul 2023 06:48
URI: http://repository.unik-kediri.ac.id/id/eprint/591

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